Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mouse Short Cuts

A few easy short cuts that can be accessed by your mouse are worth posting so here are some.

Middle Mouse Button Pressed + movement of mouse = Rotation

This will rotate the part or Assembly about it's center of mass. *Tip if you middle mouse click on a point or line the part will rotate about this selection.

Control + Middle Mouse Button Pressed = PAN

Shift + Middle Mouse Button Pressed = Zoom

Right Click Hold + Selecting a Part in an assembly = Rotate Specific Component

Rolling Scroll Wheel = Zoom in and out (The zoom direction can be reversed in Options - View)

Remember that pressing the arrow keys will turn your part in 15 degree increments (this is adjustable in Tools - Options - View). *Tip - Shift + Arrow turns by 90 degree increments.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Mighty S Key

In 2008 we gained the ability to have a shortcut toolbar next to the cursor at the strike of a button, more specifically the s button. Just strike the s key while in a sketch and you will get this handy customizable toolbar; if you are outside the sketch you have the ability to extrude and do other features.

To customize just right click on the toolbar while it is up and drag anything you might want or even resize it.

For simulation you can add shortcuts as well, such as restrains or forces. Anything that you do often can be a good candidate for the shortcut bar.