Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Creating Drawings that Automatically Create Views

Start a Drawing.
Under Insert - Drawing View - Predefined

Place a view where you want it on the sheet. Be sure to pick the properties on the left. You can assign what type of view, its scale and if how you would like it displayed (like Hidden lines removed).

Place all the different views that you are sure to want.

Save this Drawing as a drawing template. This will allow it to be used everytime you start a new drawing.
Try it out. It can save a good deal of time.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Task Scheduling Drawings

You can update Drawings as well as create them if you build a predefined view.

More on predefined views tomorrow.

Task Scheduling

This tool is terrific for using with Simulation. All you need to do is prepare the study that you have in mind and let the task scheduler run it during hours that you will be away from the computer freeing you up to work on other things.

You can run multiples as well. Start one study at 7:01pm then the next file at 10:00 pm.

It will run all the studies in each file.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Task Sheduler

If you find that you dont have enough time during the day to print, run simulation studies, create edrawings, update files and other tasks. You can let the Task scheduler do it for you.
I will post more on Monday to talk about how it works.

Quck View Assemblies and Drawings

When opening substantial drawings or assemblies you will be given the chance to smell one of the most prolific odors. You will be ushered into the mighty garden of frustration!


Well, if you ever would like to skip this step and just open the drawing or assembly for viewing purposes, just use quickview.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Comparing Drawings

Have you ever needed a quick check to compare a newer version of a drawing versus the old.

Tools-Draw Compare

This handy and simple tool will quickly show any added or missing content.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Creating Planes- Shortcut

A great shortcut for creating new planes is to select the edge of an existing plane and control + select that plane. Drag where ever you would like the plane or select a point that it can automatically move to.

Monday, April 20, 2009

What are all the Shortcuts?

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a list of all the existing shortcuts that i could print out and put next to my desk? Well....

Tools- Customize- Keyboard Tab - Only show commands with shortcuts checkbox

Print is also an option.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Meshing 101 - Aspect Ratios

Lets do some Simulation tips!

Today is a video covering the basics of aspect ratio and why it is important for meshing quality and good results.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Random Patterns

I like asking my advanced classes if they can think of a fast way to place a cut feature in a bunch of random spots. Usually they throw out a bunch of copying ideas that still feel like too much work.
This is a perfect example of a sketch driven pattern found in your pattern options.

Shown is the plate with hole i want to put in a bunch of random spots.

Start a sketch and put sketch points where you want the new holes.

Find Sketch Driven Pattern.

Choose the sketch with the points as your reference and choose the feature to pattern. It will put the holes accordingly. If you want to change any simply edit the sketch and change where the points are located or delete them entirely.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Ever wanted to learn how to make basic animations or complex ones?

Well, Mike Spens and I made this video a while ago and it is a great place to get started.

Check it out....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Another Dimension

Lets talk about some of the less obvious but still useful dimensions.

I have attached 3 minute video with Audio...

Please let me know if Audio is not ideal for you or your work environment.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Focus Loads on a Face

Our First Simulation tip! Today lets discuss how to focus loads on a face. If you know this one already, stick around for the secret ninja tip at the end.
We would like to load the table above with specific area loadings in simulation. So we go into SolidWorks and sketch the basic areas like so...

Sketch the area then choose -
Insert-Curve-Split Line

Choose the Sketch area and the proposed face but this leads us to the problem of doing all our areas in one sketh. You cant! So what to do?

If we instead choose-
Insert - Features - Wrap- Choose scribe option which will create all the seperate areas from one sketch.

Splitting the face does not cut it but allows selection. Do remember that if you choose all areas like the 5 above then you choose in the force dialog whether the load is distributed or per item.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Cutting in SolidWorks is not difficult but something that most users do extremely often. So, it would make sense to know how to do it a couple different ways and how to do it quickly.

  1. Rectangle Method
  2. Line
  3. Plane

Check out the short video to see how.